With your goals and objectives understood and the program purpose defined, EDI carries out the planning, design and execution of your program in a seamless fashion. Whether your intention is to educate, motivate, promote or reward, your message to participants is delivered with inspiration. Utilizing our years of experience and available resources, our broad range of services allows you to accomplish the program goals and objectives while maximizing the return on your investment. Our meetings, conferences, and trade-shows management services are provided in both the real and virtual worlds.



Green Meetings


As a member of the Green Meeting Industry Council we have pledged to support meetings and events that balance environmental, economic, and community goals by adopting practices that minimize environmental impacts and to promote sustainability by meeting the needs of the present without comprising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

We stand ready to advise you on many environmentally friendly steps you can take for your event which will reduce overall event costs as well. Many of the green meeting actions are simple to implement and many of them you may have already implemented (i.e. providing onsite recycling for paper, glass, plastic and aluminum cans). However there are many more green meeting practices we can assist you with implementing at your next event.